Sanggar Bima Mujiyono – Craftsmen of Leather Puppet Craft and Ethnic Souvenir Original from Bantul, Yogyakarta

Sanggar Bima Mujiyono is shelter for Yogyakarta Culture, Art, and Craft. Mission of Sanggar Bima Mujiyono is to promote mostly eco-friendly, variety of crafts made by artisans from Yogyakarta’s border and remote regions, such as products of leather crafts that are made into ethnic puppet, and products of coconut shell crafts that are made into variety decorative accessories and […]

Ethnic and Traditional Art of Shadow Puppet Handicraft from Nganjuk, East Java

Puppet (wayang) is traditional art products that well known on the Java Island. There are many types of puppets, such as puppets show, marionettes, shadow puppets, etc. All kinds of puppet art are usually played in special events. Shadow puppet is one art of Javanese cultures, which until now remained in the middle of rush […]

Tie & Dye Batik Dudung from Pekalongan – Central Java

Tie Dye Batik Dudung offers its special batik products that made from tie and dye process. The process of tie-dye typically consists of folding, twisting, pleating, or crumpling fabric or a garment and binding with string or rubber bands, followed by application of dye(s). This shop sells not only special motifs and design of Batik […]