CAKRA (Cakrawala Persada) – Manufacturer of Aromatherapy and Natural Beauty Care Product from Surabaya, East Java

Cakrawala Persada with brand of beauty care “Cakra” cordially invites Indonesia society to return using the product of body treatment and beauty by utilizing natural materials from treasure of fatherland such as: spices, natural mineral and plant which are traditionally processed. Based on sincerity, fierce desire and perseverance, the vision of Cakra Beauty Care is […]

Nuanza Ceramic – Handmade Porcelain And Ceramic Craft With Art And Ethnic Value, Jakarta

PT Nuansa Porselen Indonesia is craftsment of pottery and porcelain products with the brand “cupinari” and “nuanza ceramic”. Cupinari is brand for products that made ​​with porcelain material, dominated both figurines of humans, animals or in the form of trophy/trophies that refers to the classical European trophy. While nuanza ceramic is brand for products made ​​from ceramic […]

Variety of Indonesia Handicrafts and Foods – Made In Probolinggo, East Java

Reviewing a wide range of potential areas in Indonesia indeed seemed never ending. One could even say the whole area over this country, from Sabang to Merauke, have excellent potential each of which can support the growth of local economies. One of these areas in Indonesia is Probolinggo which has excellent potential handicraft manufacture market […]

Pottery Handicraft from Lamongan Which Has Been Exported to Europe Market

Lamongan, one of districts in East Java has excellent potential to support the growth of local economies and penetrate foreign markets. Located in the northern part of East Java, Lamongan has the potential that can go into worldwide, there is Pottery Handicraft in Kaliotik Village. By maintaining the raw materials and forms are still traditional, […]