Nuanza Ceramic – Handmade Porcelain And Ceramic Craft With Art And Ethnic Value, Jakarta

PT Nuansa Porselen Indonesia is craftsment of pottery and porcelain products with the brand “cupinari” and “nuanza ceramic”. Cupinari is brand for products that made ​​with porcelain material, dominated both figurines of humans, animals or in the form of trophy/trophies that refers to the classical European trophy. While nuanza ceramic is brand for products made ​​from ceramic materials (stoneware), including: mosaic, tableware (teapots and cups, bowls, plates, water vessel, sink, and water barrel). The whole product is done on the slopes of Mount Merapi : Boyolali , Central Java.

The charm of beautiful product in Nuanza Ceramic is the intricate details produced by the combined work of nature and skill of craftsmen. There are various ceramic products, ranging from classic mosaic, tableware, porcelain figurine, bathroom, accessories, trophy, home decoration, floor and wall tile. Not only for domestic market, demanding of this craft also come from other countries. Each product has made one by one and every process requires precision and caution so as not to distort the shape that has been made with various forms of figurine. The products selling could be in retail and wholesale, national or export. Design your own custom and contact this workshop

For best handmade ceramic
Jl Panglima Polim Raya 82B, South Jakarta.
Phone: +62 21 7210382


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Post Author: surabaya2