The Ministry of Agriculture emphasized that broiler chicken meat and broiler chicken eggs have achieved self-sufficiency and have high competitive advantages. Both are staple and essential goods as strategic animal food sources needed by the community. Poultry progress is so rapid along with the increasing productivity of broiler chicken meat and chicken eggs. Broiler chicken […]
Category: News
Souvenirs of Banyuwangi, From Coffee to Batik
A trip to Banyuwangi will not be complete if you don’t buy souvenirs. The typical souvenirs of this area are also very diverse, ranging from drinks, food to batik cloth. The following are souvenirs that must be tried when visiting Banyuwangi. Kopai OsingKopai Osing or coffee osing is one of the mainstay products of the […]
Definition of Export
By definition and function, export is a form of international trade. Exports occur when goods produced in one country are shipped to another country for sale or trade. Exports are important for the country’s economy. Because commodity sales increase the country’s gross income. Export is the delivery of merchandise abroad. Exporting is sending merchandise abroad. […]
Every Indonesian Can Be An Exporter At No Cost
Poor Indonesians everywhere in the huge archipelago can produce and sell products they create at home in local markets, for an extremely low fee. They cannot export these products because of two main artificial obstacles: They cannot afford to get an exporter license and the international shipping costs from Indonesia are extremely high, which cannot […]
Happy New Year Indonesia Product Readers
New year means new resolutions for many people. From exercising more to changing career paths, New Year’s resolutions are completely personal – so there is no right or wrong goal to have. But starting the new year after such a stressful time may leave you feeling that the hard times will remain. One more year […]
The Ministry of Industry is Trying to Increase Furniture SMEs
The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) focuses on spurring the development of small and medium-sized industries (IKM) in the furniture sector to produce innovative quality products that are export-oriented with the use of legal wood raw materials. To achieve this target, the ministry assesses that it needs to be supported through various strategic policies and strong […]
There is Good News for Indonesia SME’s
Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Lestari Priansari Marsudi said that the holding of Indonesia-Latin America and the Caribbean (INA-LAC) Business Forum 2020 brought good news to Indonesian Small and Medium Enterprises (UKM) entrepreneurs. Beside the several Ministers of the Working Cabinet and Bank Indonesia (BI), this forum was attended by several Ministers from the Latin American […]
The Furniture And Crafts Industry Increased During The Pandemic
The furniture and handicraft industry is one of the business anomalies because it shows an increasing trend during the Covid-19 pandemic situation. This is expected to be a driving force for economic improvement with the large potential for material and labor resources that can be exploited. The Indonesian furniture and handicraft industry is still recording […]
WhatsApp launches the business catalog feature, a training program for SMEs
Instant messaging platform WhatsApp has released a new feature to allow business accounts to display their product catalogs through a hyperlink as the company embarks on a training program for small and medium enterprises. Facebook Indonesia public policy manager Karissa Sjawaldy said that business owners usually showcased their products on other platforms such as Instagram, […]
Italian Automotive Companies Interested in Indonesian Products
The Italian automotive company expressed its interest in Indonesian-made products after conducting business matching between business operators. Collaboration can be carried out immediately after economic activity in the two countries improves. Rome Trade Attache, Silvi Charlotte Sumanti said that she and the Indonesian Embassy (KBRI) had facilitated a virtual trade agreement on vehicle rim products […]