Sekar Mayang – Handmade Leather Bags and Fashion Craft from Yogyakarta

Sekarmayang was founded in 2007 that originated from the desire to create a work of a different fashion in the market. At first Sekarmayang made Bed Sheet and Fabric Painting that later evolved making party clothes, uniforms, casual who has a distinctive design from Sekarmayang.  The development of the design and product Sekarmayang is not only in the fashion world, but also has penetrated in handicraft with various crafts of Home Interior that made of synthetic leather. Sekarmayang is now producing handbags products-based leather (cows, snakes, stingrays, snapper, batik, canvas and jute) with an attractive design and affordable price.

Along with the increased sale of Sekarmayang through national events, such as INACRAFT, IFFINA, PPE (exhibition of export products) as well as the provision event in Yogyakarta, Bandung, Riau make Sekarmayang do design work that is increasingly recognized by lovers of Indonesian Fashion and handicrafts. Future of Sekarmayang with design and creativity can still exist in the local market. Sekarmayang will explore the national and international markets.

Jl Candi Gebang blok AA no 12, Jetis Wedomartani
Ngemplak – Sleman, Yogyakarta
Phone: +62 274 889674


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Post Author: surabaya2