Adifta Batik – Workshop of Handwriting Batik Fabric and Cloth with Unique Motif from Cirebon, West Java

Batik is one of the original fashion products made in Indonesia. Batik has variety of motives and high artistic value, making Indonesia batik is known to foreign countries. Along with the times, batik sales business also continues to increase. One of them that suffered in batik business Mrs. Dina Rosdiana (27), the owners of batik […]

The most characteristic of Rajjas Batik is its pure blue color which rarely found in other areas

Rajjas Batik – The Workshop of Handmade Batik Fabric with Pure Color and Motif from Cirebon, West Java

Rajjas Batik is a trademark of handwriting batik fabric artisans from Cirebon downtown area. This batik workshop produces many handwriting batik fabric creations with variety beautiful and flashy motifs and colors. Rajjas Batik has been producing Batik for a long time and batik fabric product here has many motifs. The most characteristic of Rajjas Batik is its pure blue […]

Oemah Batik – Showroom and Gallery of Beautiful and Colorful Batik Garment in Jakarta

The beauty of Cirebon Batik should be preserved and more widely introduced to the general public. This beautiful masterpiece typical Cirebon is not only as a work culture that can enjoy its beauty. Moreover, the beauty and elegance of Cirebon Batik also contains the value and meaning of the philosophical culture into wealth archipelago. Oemah Batik […]

Buana Mas – Home Manufacturer of Batik Fabric and Cloth with Ethnic Design from Cirebon, West Java

Buana Mas is one of home manufacturers that specialized in Batik garment products. Buana Mas has known very well by many women that need to having beautiful batik clothes for their fashion. Buana Mas is a traditional batik craftsmen of Cirebon since years ago until now on. The workshop bequeath Batik art and culture, preserve and develop it, so Batik became […]

Paksi Nagaliman Batik – Cirebon Batik Motif with Ethnic Design and Light Color, from West Java

Cirebon Batik motif has a distinctive and unique. The colors of Cirebon Batik are classic with generally dominated by yellow, black, beige base color, and partly dark red, blue, black with beige fabric base color or ivory. The beauty of Cirebon Batik should be preserved and more widely introduced to the general public.  This beautiful masterpiece typical […]

Yusri Batik choose Cirebon batik as its batik products because there are various motifs of Cirebon Batik

Yusri Batik – Manufacturer and Gallery of Batik Product with Ethnic Motif from Cirebon, West Java

Yusri Batik is gallery of traditional batik craftsmen since years ago until now on. Settled in Cirebon, West Java, Yusri Batik has exported its products to many countries. The owner of Yusri Batik boutique, Mrs. Yusrianah Raharjo, has started its business since 1997. With a little help from her parents and capital of trust and […]

Paksi Nagaliman Batik – Cirebon Batik with Ethnic and Cultural Motif, from West Java

Cirebon Batik is one of the centers of the four batik industry centers in West Java batik industry. Cirebon is the oldest batik centers that give effect to the diverse patterns of batik in batik industry centers in West Java. Most famous of Cirebon batik motif and became icons Cirebon is Mega Mendung motif. In […]

Yusri Batik choose Cirebon batik as its batik products because there are various motifs of Cirebon Batik, such as the motif of Megamendung, Singa Barong, Panji Semirang, as well as the motifs of Kanoman and Kasepuhan palace

Yusri Batik – Batik Workshop of Beautiful Design Cirebon Batik from West Java

Yusri Batik is a traditional batik craftsmen of Cirebon since years ago until now on. The workshop bequeath Batik art and culture, preserve and develop it, so Batik became a national asset and to be proud by Indonesia. Settled in Cirebon, West Java, Yusri Batik has exported its products to many countries. The owner of […]

Lenibian Shop always preserves the best quality products of Batik and Moslem clothes which can be used in a variety of purposes and events.

Lenibian Shop – Collection of Batik Product and Moslem Fashion from Cirebon, West Java

Lenibian shop is one of Batik shop in Cirebon, West Java that provide Batik and hijab products. The shop has known very well by many moslem females that need to having beautiful scarf for their fashion. Lenibian supplies pashmina scarf, rectangular scarf, Batik Tulis (hand-writing), Batik Cap (stamp Batik) and many more products in variety colors and […]

the shop has supply various models of Cirebon Batik fashion

Lenibian Batik And Hijab From Cirebon – West Java

  Lenibian shop is one of Batik shop in Cirebon, West Java. This shop specialized in Batik and hijab products. The shop has known very well by many moslem females that need to having beautiful scarf for their fashion. Lenibian supply pashmina scarf, rectangular scarf, Batik Tulis (hand-writing), Batik Cap (stamp Batik) and many more. […]