Dewi Collection – Showroom and Workshop of Variety Batik Craft and Clothing from Semarang, Central Java

Dewi Collection is batik showroom and workshop that located in Semarang, Central Java.  There are many handmade batik products here good quality and ethnic design. You can choose your favorite of various batik items with many colors and motifs in export quality. Dewi Collection supplies not only batik clothes and fabrics, but also handbag for women […]

All handmade batik products of Dewi Batik are good quality but at affordable price.

Dewi Batik – Workshop of Batik Fabric and Batik Accessories from Sampang, Madura Island

This is the handmade batik from Sampang, Madura – East Java. Dewi Batik is one batik workshop that providing all batik products with various colors and motif specialty of Batik Madura. All batik products here are through handmade batik process production and created by skilled craftsmen from Camplong area, Sampang. All handmade batik products of Dewi Batik […]

Andyni Collection – Manufacturer and Shop of Batik Bag Craft and Souvenir from Surabaya, East Java

Andyni Collection is one of the flagship products of Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) District of Gunung Anyar which producing batik bags. By optimizing the human resources in the environment, Andyni Collection always focuses on empowering the citizens of Mount Anyar economic improvement. Under the control of Mrs. Srie Budi Utami, with a workshop at Jl Rungkut […]